While holding down the MEMORY button, turn on the Volca Bass.
Step buttons 1 to 16 correspond to the MIDI channels 1 to 16. Press the button that corresponds to the desired channel, and the LED below the step button will light up.
* Controls outlined in green can be controlled via the browser.
Patch synced
Controls outlined in green have been sent to your Volca. Please adjust the non-highlighted parameters manually on the physical Volca machine.
MIDI-only controls
Send this patch to your Volca
Enabling Wed Midi (Chrome 43+ only)
To control your Volca directly from the browser, connect and enable a device capable of MIDI output, such as an audio interface, to your computer or other browsing device. It will be detected by the browser when you reload.
LFO rate = rt.04,
LFO INT (0) < (50)% ,
play with the :
shift LFO accents using FUNC + RATE,
turn off CUTOFF modulation FUNC + M6 = sidechain compression effects,
play with the: